Protect. Enhance. Restore.

Protecting our environment, enhancing our ecosystems, and restoring our streams + wetlands since 1992.

Protect. Enhance. Restore.

Mitigation Banks in Ohio + North Carolina

Set apart by an exceptional team that brings a depth of knowledge and expertise to every project, Stream + Wetlands Foundation streamlines the permit process for applicants and regulatory agencies by providing compensatory mitigation needed when wetlands and streams are impacted as part of the construction process.

What We Offer

  • Mitigation Banking Services

    Each mitigation bank provides credits that entities can purchase to satisfy compensatory mitigation requirements. S+W identifies locations that are suitable for the development of mitigation banks and creates and implements the plan to establish the bank. 

  • In-Lieu Fee Mitigation

    S+W's in-lieu fee (ILF) program provides wetland and stream mitigation credits through the restoration, enhancement, and protection of aquatic resources. S+W is the first entity in Ohio to be approved to operate an ILF program since the 2008 federal rule was issued.

  • Permitee-Responsible Mitigation

    S+W can provide  on- or off-site aquatic resources or endangered species mitigation when credits from third party mitigation banks or ILF programs are unavailable in a watershed.  We can also assist with every step of the mitigation process from planning to construction to monitoring and long-term protection/management.

  • Grant Funded Habitat Restoration

    S+W is excited to partner with local land owners and governmental organizations to provide grant funded habitat restoration.

  • 4,000+

    acres of wetlands restored

  • 30

    miles of stream restored

  • $3 billion

    economic development and infrastructure projects

Since our inception, S+W has restored, enhanced and protected:

  • more than

    4,000 acres

    of wetland and upland habitats

  • more than

    30 miles

    of streams and associated riparian corridors

Endangered Species Habitat Mitigation

Such species include the Indiana and Northern Long-Eared Bat and Massasauga rattlesnakes, as well as other state and federally listed species.

Every project completed by S + W has a public or NGO partner that will be the long-term owner of the mitigation bank site. Once wetlands and streams are restored, the area can be used for passive creation, such as bird watching and education opportunities for local schools.

Over 30 Years of Ecological Offsetting + Successful Wetland Mitigation Banking in Ohio + North Carolina

Meet Our Partners

“We selected Stream + Wetlands Foundation as our partner because of their knowledge of the region and their extensive experience with wetland mitigation. They moved quickly and adeptly, doing quality work in a timely manner to help the team complete the permitting on schedule. They managed requests from multiple state and federal agencies to arrive at a final mitigation plan that will provide significant long-term environmental benefits to the Mahoning watershed.”

— Vinnie Tremante, Project Manager, Arcadis

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