Established in 2008, the 79.7-acre Big Darby-Hellbranch Wetlands Mitigation Bank restored beautiful, high quality wetlands within the Upper Scioto River watershed (headwaters to Big Darby Creek).
This bank site was historically farmed since the early to mid-nineteenth century. Now it is a well functioning aquatic ecosystem, as well as a natural asset to the community.
Long-term owner and managing partner: Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District
The Big Darby-Hellbranch Wetlands Mitigation Bank is located in Prairie Township, Franklin County, Ohio. This 79.7 acre mitigation bank site is located within the Battelle-Darby Creek Metro Park, a part of the Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District. Battelle Darby Creek features more than 7,000 acres of forest, prairies and wetlands. It stretches along 13 miles of the Big and Little Darby creeks, both State and National Scenic Rivers. Besides the areas surrounding the creeks, there are also over 1,600 acres of restored wetlands and prairies. Bison have been reintroduced to the park and roam freely within two enclosed pastures.
“Stream + Wetlands Foundation is an invaluable resource for the HBA of Greater Cleveland and our members. We have been fortunate to have S+W President Vince Messerly speak at multiple chapter events. Most recently, Vince conducted a wetlands seminar for the developers’ council where he spoke about wetland mitigation strategies. In addition to the presentation, he conducted a field visit which was very informative and well-received by the attendees. We know that if we, or one of our members, have a question or need guidance, Vince and his team are only a phone call away!”
Brenda Callaghan
Executive Director
Home Builders Association of Greater Cleveland