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  • Site Data

    The Grafton Swamp Wetland Mitigation Bank is  located west of SR 83 in the Village of Grafton, Lorain County, Ohio.  The property is owned by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (ODRC), west of the Grafton Correctional Institution.  The site preserves high quality, old growth, forested wetlands, as well as re-establishes non-forested and forested wetlands on former agricultural fields.



  • Stewardship

    Grafton Swamp Mitigation Bank, Long-Term Stewardship provider:  Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (ODRC)

Black-Rocky UMBI

Price: $65,000 Per Acre

The Black-Rocky Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI) will consist of a portfolio of mitigation bank sites and will provide compensatory mitigation to offset unavoidable impacts.

Service Area: Black-Rocky 8-digit HUC (04110001)

The 300.7- acre Grafton Swamp Wetlands Mitigation Bank is the first project established and operated under the Black-Rocky UMBI.

                  Credits currently available at Grafton Swamp Mitigation Bank: 0.4

Elk Creek Wetlands Mitigation Bank is the second mitigation bank approved under S+W Foundation Black-Rocky UMBI. The approximately 216-acre project is located north of the Village of Lagrange, Lorain County, Ohio 

                  Credits currently available at Elk Creek Mitigation Bank: 48.9


“Stream + Wetlands Foundation is an invaluable resource for the HBA of Greater Cleveland and our members. We have been fortunate to have S+W President Vince Messerly speak at multiple chapter events. Most recently, Vince conducted a wetlands seminar for the developers’ council where he spoke about wetland mitigation strategies. In addition to the presentation, he conducted a field visit which was very informative and well-received by the attendees. We know that if we, or one of our members, have a question or need guidance, Vince and his team are only a phone call away!”

Brenda Callaghan

Executive Director

Home Builders Association of Greater Cleveland

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