NAHBNow blog features Messerly and WOTUS rule

In conjunction with American Wetlands Month and the 2017 National Wetlands Awards ceremony, the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) held a public seminar (and corresponding webinar), “The State of Compensatory Mitigation,” on May 18 in Washington, D.C. Stream + Wetlands President Vince Messerly was one of the panelists in the discussion about the future of the mitigation industry. From state in lieu fee programs to private and nonprofit mitigation banks, panelists discussed future prospects, challenges faced and what it means for wetlands protection. As a follow-up to the panel discussion, NAHBNow published a blog featuring Messerly’s views on the “waters of the United States” (WOTUS) rule, including how it may affect wetlands mitigation banks. Click here to read the blog.
