OSU Olentangy River Wetlands Research Park Press Release

OWF is pleased to share the attached press release from The Ohio State University that announces our continued support of the Ohio Wetlands Foundation Fellowship. This fellowship, funded solely by Ohio Wetlands Foundation, supports graduate student research at the Olentangy River Wetlands Research Park (ORWRP) at The Ohio State University. The ORWRP is the only on campus wetlands research facility in North America and operates under the leadership of Dr. William Mitsch. In case you were not already aware, the wetlands at the ORWRP were designated in 2008 as a RAMSAR Wetland of International Importance – only the 24th such wetland in the US, 1st in Ohio and the 1st created wetland to be so honored. We are very proud of our efforts and excited to be a part of the wonderful success story at ORWRP!

Learn more about the ORWRP by visiting their website at http://swamp.osu.edu/
