OWF To Lead Tour of Two Mitigation Banks During EcoSummit 2012

EcoSummit 2012 – an international conference to explore innovative science-based strategies to create, manage, and restore ecosystems – is scheduled for September 30 – October 5, 2012 in Columbus, Ohio. The conference will bring together the world’s most respected minds in ecological science to discuss restoring the planet’s ecosystems. During the conference, Ohio Wetlands Foundation (OWF) President Vince Messerly will lead a tour of two wetland mitigation banks in central Ohio to view and discuss various protection, restoration and enhancement techniques. The trip will provide an opportunity to discuss the evolution of mitigation banking policy and wetland engineering/design improvements over the past 20 years.

Field trips vary from several hours, to a full day and evening. All field trips will depart from and return to the conference venue— the Columbus Convention Center.  Click here for more information about EcoSummit 2012 and registration information.
