The Stream + Wetlands Foundation (S+W) received authorization in the last few years from the Huntington and Pittsburgh Corps Districts to sponsor In-Lieu Fee (ILF) programs for mitigation of impacts to wetlands and streams. To date, these programs have served more than 120 permit applicants. Our ILF program allows us to provide a cost-effective compensatory mitigation alternative to permit applicants in the watersheds that our program serves.
The S+W team has been busy working in the watersheds our ILF program serves to locate high quality mitigation sites and to obtain approval of selected sites through the Interagency Review Team approval process. Numerous sites will be needed to meet the needs of the program. So, we are eager to work with local and state agencies, consultants and other non-governmental partners to identify and develop high quality stream and wetland mitigation sites in these Ohio watersheds: Upper Scioto (05060001), Lower Scioto (05060002), Licking (05040006), Tuscarawas (05040001), Mahoning (05030103), Shenango (05030102), Upper Ohio (05030101) and Upper Ohio-Wheeling (05030106).
Our ILF stream and wetland credits are available in the watersheds listed below, priced at $45,000 per wetland credit and $230 per stream credit. Click here to view our new online interactive map depicting watersheds and project locations.
Pittsburgh Corps District
05030101 Upper Ohio
05030102 Shenango
05030103 Mahoning
05030106 Upper Ohio-Wheeling
05030201 Little Muskingum-Middle Island (within Pittsburgh District)
Huntington Corps District
05040001 Tuscarawas
05040002 Mohican
05040003 Walhonding
05040004 Muskingum
05040005 Wills Creek
05040006 Licking
05060001 Upper Scioto
05060002 Lower Scioto
05060003 Paint
S+W is seeking high quality mitigation sites that would allow for the restoration, enhancement and protection of streams and wetlands. The permanent protection of existing high quality aquatic resources and upland buffers may also be appropriate. The submittal of potential mitigation sites can be done any time. Submittal of prospective sites can be as simple as identifying willing landowners of high quality sites or as complex as a full delivery proposal. In the case of full delivery projects, the project would be completed entirely by the team making the submittal.
If you have sites that you would like to propose, please contact Aaron Van Ostran at