The Stream + Wetlands Foundation is pleased to announce that we have assisted the Medina County Park District with the assembling of a 163-acre wetland preserve in Granger Township that will become a wildlife sanctuary. The Granger wetlands mitigation bank will be the centerpiece of the wetland wildlife sanctuary. The 150-acre mitigation bank was established in 2013. S+W restored the wetlands by disabling drainage tile, constructing small berms and plugging surface drainage. The re-establishment of a wetland plant community was kickstarted by the planting of approximately 50,000 trees and shrubs along with hundreds of pounds of wetland seed mix to foster the growth of a mix of wetland forest, scrub-shrub wetlands, upland forest and emergent marsh habitat. Once S+W has met the goals established for the mitigation bank, funds for long term stewardship of the site will be transferred to the Medina County Park District.
To read the press release about this acquisition, click here.